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The previous chapter examined informatics in the cannabis lab, as well as specific functionality considerations of a cannabis testing LIMS. And in this chapter we've looked at the acquisition and implementation process itself. At this point, you may be asking what LIMS options are actually out there. After all, there are hundreds of vendors out there vying for your dollars. But how many of them explicitly describe how their LIMS meets the needs of the cannabis testing industry?

Table 1 lists 19 solutions that have been found to be publicly marketed—via a vendor website—as specifically offering features that support the cannabis testing laboratory. This means the vendor isn't simply saying their solution serves the cannabis testing industry and leaving it at that. Their websites have been found to explain in more detail how their solution meets those industry needs.

Table 1. Known LIMS solutions publically marketed as addressing the needs of cannabis testing labs
LIMS solution Developer
ApolloLIMS Common Cents Systems, Inc.
Bika LIMS Bika Lab Systems (Pty) Ltd and
the SENAITE Foundation
CannabLIS Cannabliss New England, LLC
CannaLIS Specialty Testing Solutions Ca, LLC
CannaQA LIMS LabLynx, Inc.
CGM LABDAQ CompuGroup Medical AG
CloudLIMS and FreeLIMS, LLC
Confident Cannabis LIMS CC Software, LLC
Element LIMS Promium, LLC
LabWare GROW LabWare, Inc.
LabFlow AINZ Corp.
Lockbox LIMS Third Wave Analytics, Inc.
Matrix Gemini Autoscribe Informatics, Inc.
Omega LIMS Khemia Software, Inc.
QBench Junction Concepts, Inc.
QLIMS OnQ Software Pty. Ltd.
reLIMS Carobar Business Solutions, LLC

There may in fact be other vendors out there whose solution meets the needs of a cannabis testing laboratory, but it will ultimately be up to you to either discover them or draw such vendors in to explain how their solution meets your needs. This is where the value of the previously mentioned RFI comes in. Several approaches can be taken with an RFI, by publishing it in strategic locations on the internet to be found by vendors, or even sending it directly to vendors you've scouted ahead of time. In the end, the RFI isn't meant to be a means of grabbing every single detail about a vendor's cannabis testing LIMS but rather a means to further filter your vendor options down to a handful of companies who may be able to meet your lab's specific needs.

The next chapter discusses the value of the RFI and lists a wide variety of possible questions you may want to pose in your RFI, with many of those questions being based off the LIMSpec for Cannabis Testing.

Citation information for this chapter

Chapter: 4. LIMS acquisition, implementation, and support

Edition: Summer 2021

Title: LIMS Buyer’s Guide for Cannabis Testing Laboratories

Author for citation: Shawn E. Douglas, Alan Vaughan

License for content: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Publication date: August 2021