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[[File:Cannabis sativa (Köhler).jpg|right|300px]]The aspiring cannabis testing laboratory finds itself in a strange place in 2021, particularly in the United States. Well over half of the U.S. has some sort of state-based cannabis legalization and regulation, and pressure continues to mount for legalization to occur at the federal level. This has given cannabis testing laboratories time to develop and use several methods and equipment types, but not enough time to unify under a broader, currently non-existent Federally-backed set of methods and regulations. The state of cannabis testing is still a bit like the Wild West in that there remains a sense of rapid change and numerous unknowns. This instability in the evolution and regulation of cannabis testing adds even more stressors to the pioneering labs trying to make their way to profitability, requiring every edge they can get. It turns out one of those edges is a well-designed laboratory information management system (LIMS) for better managing the data management, workflow management, quality control, and reporting requirements of the cannabis testing industry.
====Key reading====

However, it's not sufficient to just get any ol' LIMS. A well-designed LIMS for cannabis testing has many requirements. It must be flexible enough to address not only the rapidly changing regulations, test methods, instrumentation, and reporting requirements of the industry; it must also have the flexibility to expand into other lateral industries such as agricultural testing, environmental testing, or even petrochemical testing. Additionally, the system must address aspects unique to the industry that many standard "all-in-one" LIMS can't, including flexible limit sets, inventory and sample weight reconciliation, and a meticulously granular chain-of-custody. But even good software also requires a knowledgeable vendor with quality support services and competitive pricing to go with it. The request for information (RFI) process is a valuable tool towards selecting that vendor and their LIMS, though it's not the only tool. The laboratory itself must also have the expertise on-hand to assist with selection and implementation, and when that expertise isn't available, a consultancy may come in handy.
* {{cite journal |title=''Cannabis sativa'': The plant of the thousand and one molecules |journal=Frontiers in Plant Medicine |author=Andre, C.M.; Hausman, J.-F.; Guerriero, G. |volume=7 |pages=19 |year=2016 |doi=10.3389/fpls.2016.00019 |pmid=26870049 |pmc=PMC4740396}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.aphl.org/aboutAPHL/publications/Documents/EH-Guide-State-Med-Cannabis-052016.pdf |format=PDF |title=Guidance for State Medical Cannabis Testing Programs |author=Association of Public Health Laboratories |pages=35 |date=May 2016}}
* {{cite web |url=https://cannabisindustryjournal.com/feature_article/managing-cannabis-testing-lab-workflows-using-lims/ |title=Managing Cannabis Testing Lab Workflows Using LIMS |author=Audino, S. |work=Cannabis Industry Journal |date=07 February 2018}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.aocs.org/stay-informed/inform-magazine/featured-articles/the-highs-and-lows-of-cannabis-testing-october-2016 |title=The Highs and Lows of Cannabis Testing |author=Cassiday, L. |work=INFORM |publisher=American Oil Chemists' Society |date=October 2016}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/big-marijuana-1.pdf |format=PDF |title=Worry about bad marijuana — not Big Marijuana |author=Hudak, J.; Rauch, J. |publisher=The Brookings Institution |pages=18 |date=June 2016}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.labcompare.com/10-Featured-Articles/354722-Selecting-a-LIMS-for-the-Cannabis-Industry/ |title=Selecting a LIMS for the Cannabis Industry |author=Paszko, C. |work=LabCompare |date=27 November 2018}}
* {{cite journal |title=Cannabis and the Opioid Crisis |journal=Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research |author=Piomelli, D.; Weiss, S.; Boyd, G. et al. |volume=3 |issue=1 |pages=108-16 |year=2018 |doi=10.1089/can.2018.29011.rtl |pmid=29789812 |pmc=PMC5931647}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/bootleggers.pdf |format=PDF |title=Bootleggers, Baptists, bureaucrats, and bongs: How special interests will shape marijuana legalization |author=Wallach, P.; Rauch, J. |publisher=The Brookings Institution |pages=22 |date=June 2016}}

This guide has looked at the broad state of cannabis legalization and the importance of testing cannabis. From there we naturally had to look at what analyzing cannabis actually entails, which then painted a clearer picture of how LIMS and other automating aspects of the laboratory can improve a cannabis testing lab's operations, though the responsibility for securing the data involved can't be ignored. We then looked at the acquisition process, what makes a cannabis testing LIMS unique, who sells them, and how the RFI—as well as specification documents like ''[[Book:LIMSpec for Cannabis Testing|LIMSpec for Cannabis Testing]]''—better the overall acquisition and implementation process. And we even included additional resources to help you on your adventure that is LIMS acquisition and use.

Hopefully this guide has been useful and informative. As noted, the cannabis industry changes rapidly. Efforts will be made to keep this guide up-to-date, but realize some information may rapidly become obsolete or differently factual. That said, at its core the guide should remain a useful tool for the enterprising cannabis testing lab, or existing labs wishing to expand into cannabis testing. Selecting and purchasing a LIMS for cannabis testing is not an easy effort, but with this knowledge in-hand, the road should be a little less painful. Best of fortunes!
====Reference material====
* {{cite journal |title=Pharmacology of medical cannabis |journal=Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology |author=Amin, M.R.; Ali, D.W. |volume=1162 |pages=151–65 |year=2019 |doi=10.1007/978-3-030-21737-2_8 |pmid=31332738}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/glossary-of-cannabis-terms |title=Leafly Glossary of Cannabis Terms |author=Chambers, R. |work=Leafly - Cannabis 101 |publisher=Leafly Holdings, Inc |date=08 August 2013}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.cannaqa.wiki/index.php?title=Book:LIMSpec_for_Cannabis_Testing |title=LIMSpec for Cannabis Testing |author=Douglas, S.E. |work=CannaQA Wiki |date=January 2021}}
* {{cite journal |title=Phytochemistry of ''Cannabis sativa'' L. |journal=Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products |author=ElSohly, M.A.; Radwan, M.M.; Gul, W. et al. |volume=103 |pages=1–36 |year=2017 |doi=10.1007/978-3-319-45541-9_1 |pmid=28120229}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.nap.edu/catalog/24625/the-health-effects-of-cannabis-and-cannabinoids-the-current-state |title=The health effects of cannabis and cannabinoids: The current state of evidence and recommendations for research |author=National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine |publisher=The National Academies Press |pages=440 |doi=10.17226/24625 |date=12 January 2017}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam/hp/cannabis-pdq |title=Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ)–Health Professional Version |author=National Cancer Institute |date=06 November 2020}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.ncsl.org/bookstore/state-legislatures-magazine/marijuana-deep-dive.aspx |title=Marijuana Deep Dive |author=National Conference of State Legislatures |date=2018}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/letter-director |title=Marijuana Research Report |author=National Institute on Drug Abuse |date=July 2020}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/marijuanainfo |archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20170117133745/https://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/marijuanainfo |title=Marijuana Resource Center |author=Office of National Drug Control Policy |archivedate=17 January 2017}}
* {{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Hs5PCgAAQBAJ |title=The Analytical Chemistry of Cannabis |author=Thomas, B.F.; ElSohly, M.A. |editor=Thomas, B.F |publisher=Elsevier |pages=132 |year=2016 |isbn=9780128046708}}
* {{cite book |url=https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241510240 |title=The health and social effects of nonmedical cannabis use |author=World Health Organization |editor=Hall, W.; Renström, M.; Poznyak, V |publisher=World Health Organization |pages=95 |year=2016 |isbn=978921510240}}
'''Law and regulation'''
* {{cite web |url=https://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/legal-medical-marijuana-states-and-dc/ |title=Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC: Laws, Fees, and Possession Limits |work=ProCon.org |date=03 December 2020}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.leafly.com/learn/legalization/recreational-states |title=Recreational Marijuana Laws in the United States |work=Leafly's Guide to Marijuana Legalization |publisher=Leafly Holdings, Inc |date=November 2020}}
* {{cite web |url=https://public.findlaw.com/cannabis-law/starting-a-cannabis-business/marijuana-business-licenses-permits-and-planning.html |title=Marijuana Business: Licenses, Permits, and Planning |work=FindLaw |publisher=Thomson Reuters |date=18 October 2019}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.foxrothschild.com/publications/national-survey-on-marijuana-laws-and-regulations/ |title=National Survey on Marijuana Laws and Regulations |author=Horn, J.; Bogot, W. |publisher=Fox Rothschild LLP |date=08 January 2021}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/state-medical-marijuana-laws.aspx |title=State Medical Marijuana Laws |author=National Conference of State Legislatures |date=11 January 2021}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.leafly.com/news/industry/leaflys-state-by-state-guide-to-cannabis-testing-regulations |title=Cannabis Testing Regulations: A State-by-state Guide |author=Rough, Lisa; Leafly Staff |work=Leafly - Industry |publisher=Leafly Holdings, Inc |date=24 February 2020}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.fda.gov/news-events/public-health-focus/fda-regulation-cannabis-and-cannabis-derived-products-including-cannabidiol-cbd |title=FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products, Including Cannabidiol (CBD) |author=U.S. Food & Drug Administration |date=22 January 2021}}
'''Standards and guidance'''
* {{cite web |url=https://www.acil.org/page/Cannabis_Working_Group |title=Cannabis Working Group - ACIL |author=American Council of Independent Laboratories |date=2020}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.aoac.org/resources/?topic=Cannabis&type=SMPR&key= |title=Cannabis Analytical Science Program, Standard Method Performance Requirements |author=Association of Official Agricultural Chemists |date=2020}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.astm.org/COMMITTEE/D37.htm |title=Committee D37 on Cannabis |author=ASTM International}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.mass.gov/doc/protocol-for-sampling-and-analysis-of-finished-medical-marijuana-products-and-marijuana-1/download |format=Word |title=Protocol for Sampling and Analysis of Finished Medical Marijuana Products and Marijuana-Infused Products for Massachusetts Registered Medical Marijuana Dispensaries |author=Cannabis Control Commission |publisher=Commonwealth of Massachusetts  |pages=21 |date=01 December 2017}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.ahpa.org/Portals/0/pdfs/AHPA_Recommendations_for_Regulators_Cannabis_Operations.pdf |format=PDF |title=Recommendations for Regulators – Cannabis Operations |author=Cannabis Committee, AHPA |publisher=American Herbal Products Association |date=02 February 2016}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.fda.gov/media/87509/download |format=PDF |title=Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometric Determination of Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, and Other Elements in Food Using Microwave Assisted Digestion |publisher=United States Food and Drug Administration |author=Gray, P.J.; Mindak, W.R.; Cheng, J. |date=February 2020}}
* {{cite book |url=https://herbal-ahp.org/online-ordering-cannabis-inflorescence-qc-monograph/ |title=''Cannabis Inflorescence'': ''Cannabis'' spp. |publisher=American Herbal Pharmacopoeia |editor=Upton, R.; Craker, L.; ElSohly, M. et al. |year=2014 |isbn=1929425333}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.fda.gov/food/laboratory-methods-food/pesticide-analytical-manual-pam |title=Pesticide Analytical Manual (PAM) |author=U.S. Food & Drug Administration |date=19 September 2018}}
* {{cite web |url=https://archive.epa.gov/pesticides/methods/rammethods/web/html/ram12b.html |title=Residue Analytical Methods (RAM) |author=U.S. Food & Drug Administration |date=20 February 2016}}
* {{cite web |url=https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.acil.org/resource/resmgr/cannabis/acil_cannabis_testing_recomm.pdf |title=Cannabis Testing Recommendations |author=American Council of Independent Laboratories |date=2019}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.aphl.org/programs/environmental_health/Pages/Cannabis-Testing.aspx |title=Cannabis Testing |author=Association of Public Health Laboratories |date=2020}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.aphl.org/aboutAPHL/publications/Documents/EH-Guide-State-Med-Cannabis-052016.pdf |format=PDF |title=Guidance for State Medical Cannabis Testing Programs |author=Association of Public Health Laboratories |pages=35 |date=May 2016}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.astm.org/Standards/D8334.htm |title=ASTM D8334/D8334M-20 ''Standard Practice for Sampling of Cannabis/Hemp Post-Harvest Batches for Laboratory Analyses'' |author=ASTM Subcommittee D37.03 |publisher=ASTM International |date=2020}}
* {{cite web |url=https://cdphe.colorado.gov/laboratory-services/inspection-of-marijuana-testing-facilities/marijuana-reference-library |title=Marijuana reference library |author=Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment |date=2020}}
* {{cite web |url=https://lcb.wa.gov/publications/Marijuana/BOTEC%20reports/1a-Testing-for-Contaminants-Final-Revised.pdf |format=PDF |title=Testing ''Cannabis'' for Contaminants |author=Daley, P.; Lampach, D.; Sguerra, S. |publisher=BOTEC Analysis Corp |date=12 September 2013}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.nist.gov/programs-projects/nist-tools-cannabis-laboratory-quality-assurance |title=NIST Cannabis Quality Assurance Program (CannaQAP) |author=National Institute of Standards and Technology |publisher=National Institute of Standards and Technology |date=12 January 2021}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.unodc.org/documents/scientific/ST-NAR-40-Ebook_1.pdf |format=PDF |title=Recommended methods for the identification and analysis of cannabis and cannabis products |author=United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |date=September 2009}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.unodc.org/documents/scientific/STNAR48_Synthetic_Cannabinoids_ENG.pdf |format=PDF |title=Recommended methods for the identification and analysis of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists in seized materials |author=United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |date=June 2013}}
''New York State Department of Health'':
* {{cite web |url=https://www.wadsworth.org/sites/default/files/WebDoc/NYS%20DOH%20MML-303-05.1%20final.pdf |format=PDF |title=Measurement of Mycotoxins in Medical Marijuana by LC-MS/MS, NYS DOH MML-303, Revision 5.1 |author=Division of Environmental Health Sciences, Laboratory of Organic Analytical Chemistry |publisher=New York State Department of Health |pages=40 |date=10 November 2020}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.wadsworth.org/sites/default/files/WebDoc/NYS%20DOH%20MML-300-06.pdf |format=PDF |title=Measurement of Phytocannabinoids in Medical Marijuana using HPLC-PDA, NYS DOH MML-300, Revision 6 |author=Division of Environmental Health Sciences, Laboratory of Organic Analytical Chemistry |publisher=New York State Department of Health |pages=37 |date=13 January 2021}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.wadsworth.org/sites/default/files/WebDoc/1495494332/MML-301-01.pdf |format=PDF |title=Medical Marijuana Sample Preparation Protocols for Potency Analysis, NYS DOH MML-301, Revision 5 |author=Division of Environmental Health Sciences, Laboratory of Organic Analytical Chemistry |publisher=New York State Department of Health |pages=18 |date=06 November 2019}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.wadsworth.org/sites/default/files/WebDoc/NYS%20DOH%20LINC-250-02%20final_0.pdf |format=PDF |title=Metals and Metalloids in Medical Marijuana Products by ICP-MS, NYS DOH LINC-250, Revision 2 |author=Division of Environmental Health Sciences, Laboratory of Organic Analytical Chemistry |publisher=New York State Department of Health |pages=26 |date=14 January 2020}}
* For all other methods documents, see [https://www.wadsworth.org/regulatory/elap/medical-marijuana https://www.wadsworth.org/regulatory/elap/medical-marijuana].
'''Accreditation and certification'''
* {{cite web |url=https://www.a2la.org/accreditation/cannabis-testing |title=Cannabis Testing Laboratory Accreditation Program |author=American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)}}
* {{cite web |url=https://patientfocusedcertification.org/ |title=Patient Focused Certification |author=Americans for Safe Access Foundation}}
* {{cite web |url=https://anab.ansi.org/laboratory-accreditation/cannabis-testing |title=ANAB Cannabis Testing Laboratory Accreditation Program |author=ANSI National Accreditation Board}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.certified-kind.com/ |title=Certified Kind: Certification for Responsibly Grown Cannabis |author=Certified Kind, LLC}}
* {{cite web |url=https://cleangreencertified.com/ |title=Clean Green Certified |author=Clean Green Certified}}
* {{cite web |url=https://pt.emeraldscientific.com/ |title=The Emerald Test |author=Emerald Scientific, LLC}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.iasonline.org/services/cannabis-testing-laboratory/ |title=Cannabis Testing Laboratory Accreditation |author=International Accreditation Service}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.wadsworth.org/regulatory/elap |title=Environmental Laboratory Approval Program |author=New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/LaboratoryServices/EnvironmentalLaboratoryAccreditation/Pages/index.aspx |title=Oregon's Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program |author=Oregon State Public Health Laboratory}}
* {{cite web |url=https://www.pjlabs.com/accreditation-programs/cannabis-testing |title=Accreditation Programs: Cannabis Testing Lab Accreditation |author=Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc}}

Revision as of 21:52, 4 February 2022

Key reading

Reference material

Law and regulation

Standards and guidance


New York State Department of Health:

Accreditation and certification